Saturday, February 23, 2008

To let go.

9 months of journey within.
The fight with the demons within.
To face your worse enemy of your life.
To give up that part of me which i have been holding on to.
To let that part of me die so that i can live again.
How much one has to give up her limitations which has confine you all the while.
What is it like to live in the absence of your limitation?

Assuming different roles of the organization, leadership in different forms.
Growth. Expansion.
Life is a test.
When you make a decision about something in your life, life test you with all it has.
It shaken your fundamental beliefs, values and perceptions of what you have learnt from life.

Declaration of independence.
To stand up for yourself in your life.
Ceased to live up to people's expectations.
Start living your own life.
Go do what you want in your life.
What you deem as important, it suggest otherwise.


Sense of betrayal.
It came back again.
History repeats itself, it will haunt you until you learnt it.
And there is nothing personal about it.

What does it take to transcend your circumstance?

It is like hanging on the cliff of your life, hanging on to the circumstances which have trapped us all this while. To let go require courage. Courage to fall freely. What is it like to experience freedom in falling. Afraid of the landing. But it merely suggests that it naturally creates a new platform for you to step on and grow out of it.

Life is indeed suffering when we hold on tightly to the perceptions and assumptions we have about life.

The end of a beginning.